Frequently asked questions

The New Year is here and we are excited to kick off 2023 with our new Give Early/Give Late feature for Giving Days! 🚀 For 3 days, from January 30th to the 1st Feb, for the first time ever, we are inviting you to make Hubbub history and take part in our live "Preview Day" - three days of testing that are open only to you, the Hubbub community, to test our new Giving Day feature.

As a Hubbub customer, we highly value your input and feedback into all that we do. Involving you in building and enhancing our technology is no different.

What is the Preview Day?

We are essentially running a live Giving Day to preview and test the new Give Early/Give Late feature and each aspect of the day:

  • 10am Monday, 30th January: Give Early period commences and runs until the Preview Giving Day goes live
  • 10am on Tuesday, 31st January until 3pm: Preview Giving Day goes live 
  • Until 3pm Wednesday, 1st February: Give Late period 

How can you get involved?

If you are able to, we are asking you to visit the site during the Give Early, Live, and Post Giving Day phases of the Preview Day to help us test the site and functionality. We will email you once the platform is live with more information, and we will be asking you to help in 2 ways:

  1. Make a test payment We are looking for you to test 2 payment cards (one successful, one failed) on 31st January, the Preview Day itself. Any extra testing you can do the days before and after will also provide extremely useful information for us, if that’s something you can do. 

  2. Send feedback Any feedback you share ultimately helps in shaping this product. Further instructions on how to submit feedback will be shared on the day. 

You will receive more information once the day goes live, but if you want a sneak preview of the full instructions first, they are found here.

Can you help us and be part of Hubbub's future?

Hubbub is continually evolving, and with your help, we will continue to build our products especially for fundraising professionals whilst pioneering the digital fundraising space. Thank you to everyone who has offered to help so far - we can't do this without you! Please contact us if you'd like to help or know more. Once the Preview Day goes live, we’ll also send a reminder email so that you know when it’s time to participate and what you need to do.

Please note that you may receive more emails from us than usual between 30th Jan - 1st Feb so that you can engage with this exciting new opportunity as a member of our community. Customer emails will resume to normal volumes after our Preview Day ends. If, however, you would like to opt out of Preview Day emails, please get in touch here. We hope you can join us in making Hubbub history!
